Drama Journeys in the Classroom
Dates: Monday 3rd-Friday 7th July, 2017
Times: 9.30pm. -2.00p.m. (Lunch included)
Tutor: Mary Brennan
Venue: Gaelscoil, Dhún Dealgan
Fee: €45
This course will provide teachers with a variety of different drama experiences that will lead to effective acquisition of skills and knowledge. Participants will receive numerous practical activities to stimulate the imagination, promote social growth and develop improvisational skills. The elements of Drama will be explored; belief, role, character, action, place, time, tension, significance and genre. Free-play will be examined as a stimulus for creative story-making. Teachers will work with puppets. Scripted drama from ‘page to stage’ will also be explored.
3 EPV Days on completion of the course
Certificate awarded on completion