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Using Media (Print & Radio) in the Primary School


Tutor: Pat Hamilton &  Pat Byrne (Dundalk media centre), Eunan Whyte (Dundalk Leader)

Talks/demonstrations also by Alan Byrne & Presenters at Dundalk FM Studios, Partnership Court


Venue: CBS Primary School, Dundalk


Dates : Monday 1st July - Friday 5th July


Time: 9.30pm. -2.00p.m. (Lunch included)


Fee: €50


Certifcation: Certificate awarded on completion


3 EPV Days on completion of the course


This new course is a practical course which will enable participants to incorporate the use of oral and written reporting skills via local press and radio into their classrooms. It will involve the creation of a news story/ documentary. It will explore the creative process. Participants will be invited to contribute towards ‘vox-pop’ interviews in Dundalk. They will also be invited to participate in the preparation of ‘Voice-overs’ for the local community radio station.

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