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Dyslexia for Mainstream teachers in Post Primary Schools

Supporting Dyslexic Students.png


Dates: 26th of November, 2020

Time: 7:00pm. - 8:00p.m.

Venue: Online Webinar

Tutor: Wyn Mc Cormack



While we are still taking bookings, unfortunately due to circumstances outside of our control the course has had to be POSTPONED. When a new time and date for the online webinar are set, we will email all registered participants. We thank you for your understanding on this matter.  

This webinar is designed for mainstream teachers who have students with dyslexia in their classes.  Given that dyslexia can affect up to 1 in 10 people, most teachers will have such students in their classes.  The key emphasis is on practical classroom and school strategies as well as useful resources. 


Although the course deals in particular with dyslexia, many of the strategies and resources will also help when working with students with other specific learning difficulties such as Dyspraxia and Autistic Spectrum.



  • Dyslexia and how it affects students at second level

  • Screening and Identification

  • The Dyslexia Friendly school

  • Teaching strategies including specific ones for reading, writing, note-taking, memory and learning. 

  • Resources including subject specific resources for teachers.

Wyn McCormack worked as guidance counsellor and special education teacher as well as being the parent of three sons with dyslexia.  She has designed and presented courses on dyslexia for teachers, parents and students since 1996.   She is the author of the Factsheets on Dyslexia at Second Level (2014), Lost for Words 3rd Ed. 2007, and co-author of Dyslexia, an Irish Perspective 2nd Ed 2010.

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