County Louth Exploring our Local History

Tutor: Susan Murphy
Venue: Base St. Malachy’s Girls’ School, Anne St. Dundalk
Field trips will include Carlingford , Drogheda, Dundalk and other areas of interest in County Louth
Dates : 1st- Friday the 5th of July, 2024
Time: 9.30pm. -2.00p.m. (Lunch included)
Fee: €65
Certification: Certificate awarded on completion
3 EPV Days on completion of the course

This course aims to help teachers gain a clear understanding of their local history and the contribution it can make to the education of their pupils. The teachers will practice their historical and investigation skills daily. During the week teachers will explore local history in Carlingford, Faughart, walking tour of Drogheda, Dundalk and much more.
Participants will enjoy a variety of very highly experienced tutors in this field.