CPR 4 Schools
Venue: Library Room, Ó Fiaich College, Dublin Rd, Dundalk
Dates : Thursday 12th March
Time: 6 – 9pm
Rescheduled Dates will appear here when they become apparent.
The programme is available only to PE teachers. There are two parts to the Y-PATH PE 4 ME programme:
A 1-hour online course on the Irish Heart Foundation website www.irishheart.ie which must be completed by teacher before attending the workshop
3-hour face to face evening workshop held in Education Centres nationally
Teachers will then have the ability to implement the Y-PATH PE 4 ME programme into their PE classes. Teachers will be given a Y-PATH resource pack with lesson plans, posters, student journals, as well as access to an online teacher’s portal containing digital resources to assist with lessons.
To see the course flyer please click on the PDF icon